A brainstorm about the large challenges we face. The numbers is parenthesis represent the results of a straw poll: "Which of these things do you consider a priority to work on, something you are willing to put energy into, and potentially has attainable results?"
- accountability (14)
- education (13)
- crisis response (13)
- Hierarchy (12)
- Police (11)
- community defense/defense of communities (11)
- violence (specifically domestic and/or sexual) (11)
- a sense of isolation (9)
- need to heal (9)
- environmental justice (8)
- spaces (places to do the things you do) (8)
- larger sense of trust (7)
- unequal dist. of wealth (6)
- mental health (6)
- personal identity (who we identify with, on what level, how that holds us back) (6)
- lack of constancy of commitment (6)
- Culture of violence (media, television, worship of aggressive competition) (5)
- Physical health (3)
- whether we share common values, or even language (3)
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