Every other Thursday 5-7pm
SubRosa, 703 Pacific Ave
This is a structured workshop to plan ways to keep our communities safe at all levels. Here are just some of the challenges we are attempting to tackle: accountability, education and public perception, community crisis response, cops and alternatives, defense of communities, domestic & sexual violence, isolation and alienation, mutual support and solidarity, and making the police obsolete.
Here we jumpstart an ongoing Community Safety Workgroup intended to grow beyond an intial series of free skool workshops.
Small Working Groups
We work in small groups committed to aspects of community safety. These small groups are focused on strategy and action. By breaking the almost overwhelming goals of the larger workgroup into smaller pieces we attempt to make incremental efforts toward having safer more secure communities. There is natural crossover with many of the goals and strategies of the small groups echoing the interconnected nature of our communities. Here is the current list of small working groups:
- New Accountability Process
- Crisis Response Team
"We want to create a safe, confidential, trusted & non-hierarchical system for addressing local conflicts and issues without involving police or external authorities, excepting in medical emergencies."
- Education and Public Perception
- Defense of Communities – legal, physical, etc
- Community and Individual Health
- Community Connectedness
"We desire to meaningfully connect with others within our communities and have our communities connected with other communities. We want to be welcoming, inclusive, and willing to grow."
- Police – police accountability, know your rights, copwatch
- Alternatives to Violence
- Physical Spaces – availability of public, private, and autonomous spaces
- Food Security
"To facilitate local food production and distribution while reinforcing the values of autonomy, self reliance, and DIY."
Basic familiarity and comfort with the philosophy of anarchism will serve you well here. Please see the full list of basic premises.